
A Multifunctional Compact Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna With Four Radiation Patterns for Sub-GHz IoT Applications

A compact pattern reconfigurable antenna with four radiation patterns is proposed for sub-GHz IoT applications. The antenna has two functional modes; Mode I has three uncorrelated patterns, while Mode II has electric and magnetic omnidirectional …

Experimental Evaluation of User's Finger Effects on a 5G Terminal Antenna Array at 26 GHz

This paper presents the experimental evaluation of the effects of the user's fingers on the performance of a 5G terminal antenna array operating in the European 5G regulated band at 26 GHz. Matching and radiation characteristics of a four-element …

Radiation Pattern Agile Antenna for Smart IoT Gateways

A pattern agile antenna for smart IoT gateways operating at 2.44 GHz is presented. Several radiation patterns pointing in different directions and characterized by different beamwidths can be obtained.

Experimental analysis of the human body effect on miniature LPWAN antennas

In this paper, the effect of the human body proximity on LPWAN antennas is investigated. Both numerical and experimental tests are performed on two different IoT devices. The obtained results show that the performance degradation caused by the body …

Characterization of miniature antenna for sub-GHz on-body applications

In this paper, a fast characterization technique for on-body small devices is presented. This method is used to extract the radiation performance of two different structures placed on a belt over a human abdomen at 868 MHz. Results show that the …

MIMO antenna performance assessment based on open source software defined radio

This paper presents a low-cost measurement method for MIMO antenna performance assessment based on the open-source OpenAirInterface initiative. A first measurement is presented with a prototype with 8 antennas at 2.6 GHz integrated into a …

Super-directive parasitic element antenna for spatial filtering applications

A super-directive parasitic element system, with a diameter of the minimum sphere circumscribing the antenna equal to 0.2λ0, is simulated and measured. A maximum directivity of 7.2 dBi is measured with a radiation efficiency of -6.5 dB at 876MHz. An …

Exploitation of the UC-PBG structure as ground plane to enhance microstrip antenna bandwidth

The uniplanar compact photonic bandgap (UC-PBG) metamaterial structure has been profitably used for antenna miniaturization and radiation enhancement purposes. This paper presents an additional way to exploit it, when it is employed as ground plane …

Printed UWB Antenna Operating Over Multiple Mobile Wireless Standards

In this letter, a spline-shaped ultrawideband (UWB) antenna enabling simultaneous operability over multiple mobile wireless standards-namely the DCS, PCS, UMTS, and ISM bands-is proposed. The antenna is expected to exhibit a good impedance matching …

Experimental channel characterization of a MIMO-UWB communication system

In this paper, an experimental evaluation of the performances of a MIMO-UWB system has been described. The results obtained show that only at short distances MIMO-UWB systems exploit a significant multiplexing gain. This is mainly due to the SNR of …