
Dual-Matching for Single Resonance Miniaturized Antenna for IoT applications

A miniature antenna working in European, Asian and Australian ISM sub-GHz bands is presented for IoT application. The antenna was first designed and simulated to achieve a low quality factor, i.e. having good matching at 896MHz. A second-order …

On Methods to Determine Bounds on the $Q$ -Factor for a Given Directivity

This paper revisit and extend the interesting case of bounds on the Q-factor for a given directivity for a small antenna of arbitrary shape. A higher directivity in a small antenna is closely connected with a narrow impedance bandwidth. The relation …

Design of antennas enabling miniature and energy efficient wireless IoT devices for smart cities

This paper deals with the design of antennas enabling miniature and energy efficient wireless internet-of-things (IoT) devices for smart cities. Because of the characteristics required by IoT systems, some specific aspects must be considered during …

Design of miniature antennas for IoT applications

This paper discusses the design of miniature antennas for internet-of-things (IoT) applications. Differently from other communication systems, IoT devices have almost no bandwidth requirements, allowing for strong antenna miniaturization. However, …

Bandwidth enhancement of rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for UMTS application

A novel wideband rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) is proposed in this paper. An equivalent air-dielectric DRs blocs are introduced inside the resonator to enhance the structure's bandwidth. The hybrid structure is excited by a simple …

Reconfigurable Antenna for Future Spectrum Reallocations in 5G Communications

This letter presents a reconfigurable antenna for mobile terminals with extended band coverage obtained by using a digitally tunable capacitor (DTC). The antenna structure is matched permanently over high frequency bands including DCS/PCS, UMTS, LTE …

Feasability of an Ultra narrow band antenna for the internet of things

Internet of thing will soon connect billion of objects together. Interference with existing standard in the ISM bands and outside is a hot issue to solve. Ultra-narrow band modulation has recently been proposed to decrease interference for low-data …

Exploitation of the UC-PBG structure as ground plane to enhance microstrip antenna bandwidth

The uniplanar compact photonic bandgap (UC-PBG) metamaterial structure has been profitably used for antenna miniaturization and radiation enhancement purposes. This paper presents an additional way to exploit it, when it is employed as ground plane …

A novel design methodology for integration of optimized ultra-wideband elements with aperiodic array topologies

The recent development of many new ultra-wideband (UWB) array technologies has created a demand for antenna elements that can effectively operate over similar bandwidths. For example, the polyfractal [1] and RPS [2] topologies are capable of …

PSO-based time-domain antenna synthesis for enhanced UWB communication systems

In this paper, an approach for the synthesis of antenna systems suitable for UWB communication applications has been presented. The final antenna geometry is obtained by means of a PSO aimed at fitting a set of time domain requirements. Such …